Top 9 Best types of durian in Malaysia (The Best)

This spiky fruit are the most famous of Malaysian fruits due to their powerful aroma, distinctive taste & custardy texure.
It is “The King Of Fruits”. You’re not a “True Malaysia” if you never tried durian before. Fun Facts, MARDI did a research on 2006 and out of 1098 participants, 96% love durians. Should be 99.99%…

There are more than 200 durian clons registered under Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia. And there are many more un-registered. Here’s a list 9 Best types of durian in Malaysia which you should try.

Original price was: RM225.00.Current price is: RM219.00.
Original price was: RM159.00.Current price is: RM154.00.

Fresh Durian

XO (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

D24 (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

Kampung (300 Gram)


#1 Durian Musang King

Durian Musang King also known as mao shan wang comes with thick & yellow golden flesh, and is creamy, sweet and sometimes bitter in taste. Not to forget the small seed (*Not most of the time). This unique combination makes it one of the most popular durian among hantu-hantu durian. It is one of the most popular type of durian in Malaysia.

Learn more about Durian Musang King now!

#2 Durian Tekka

Ever heard of Durian Tekka ? The haunt-hantu durian confirm recognise this durian clone. Some say it’s better than Musang King, some say it’s second to Musang King. It is often compared to another popular variety of durian, Musang King.

Durian Tekka, also known as “Musang Queen” / D160. This durian can only be tame by high level durian lovers as its spiky green skin that turns brown when it is ripe.

Learn more about Durian Tekka now!

#3 Durian D24

Durian D24 which is also known as Durian Sultan is one of the most popular durian before the Musang King takeover. Although not as prestigious as Musang King, The D24 is still one of the most sought after in Malaysia because of its more wallet-friendly price and availability outside of the durian season, people like to use it for cooking and making durian desserts and other pastries.

Learn more about Durian D24 now!

#4 Durian XO

Most people probably think that Durian XO and D24 are the same thing, but let me tell you a well known secret – Durian XO is not D24; XO is a higher quality of D24, in terms of its age, freshness, and location if origin.

This durian got its name from XO liquor. As the name suggests, it is bitter because of the lengthy period of fermentation.

Learn more about Durian XO now!

#5 Durian Red Prawn

Durian Udang Merah also known as D175, has a orange to mild yellow color on it flesh.
This durian is said to get its name in conjunction with its thick, soft, reddish orange-yellow filling, creamy fat with a sweet taste and an appetizing smell.

Learn more about Durian Red Prawn now!

#6 Durian Blackthorn

Durian Black Thorn also known as D200, which is also known as Duri Hitam (Malay), Ochee (Chinese), and Hei Tze, Durian Black Thorn has a bright yellow and rosy orange hue, with its signature mark being its thick core and a reddish-brown line along the middle of the durian.

Durian Black Thorn has a fat, sweet and creamy taste and leaves a little bitter taste after eating it.In addition, it does not emit a strong aroma. The filling is rounder when compared to other durians and usually has a golden yellow color. On the price side, Black Thorn can be equally or even more expensive than Musang King.

Learn more about Durian Black Thorn now!

#7 Durian IOI

Often confused with D101, Durian IOI has a strong, fruity flavor, and is almost orange in color. It is also known as Durian Hajah Hasmah or Durian Mas Muar. This durian is round and greenish brown in color.

Learn more about Durian IOI now!

#8 Golden Phoenix Durian

Golden Phoenix Durian, also known as the Jin Feng, has a delicious pale yellow-white flesh with a wonderfully complex flavor.
It has a moist and thick flesh texture, producing a mild alcohol flavor with floral notes that absorb in the mouth.

Learn more about Golden Phoenix Durian now!

#9 Durian Kampung

kampung durians are not specially grown, unlike the more popular durians such as Musang King, D24 or XO.
Compared to the more popular durian, kampung durian is indeed on the lighter and more acceptable side as it is less pungent and more suitable for everyone.

Learn more about Durian Kampung now!

Original price was: RM225.00.Current price is: RM219.00.
Original price was: RM159.00.Current price is: RM154.00.

Fresh Durian

XO (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

D24 (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

Kampung (300 Gram)
