Durian Kampung

kampung durians are not specially grown, unlike the more popular durians such as Musang King, D24 or XO.
Compared to the more popular durian, kampung durian is indeed on the lighter and more acceptable side as it is less pungent and more suitable for everyone.

Original price was: RM225.00.Current price is: RM219.00.
Original price was: RM159.00.Current price is: RM154.00.

Fresh Durian

XO (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

D24 (300 Gram)


Fresh Durian

Kampung (300 Gram)


Origin Of Durian Kampung

Durian kampung has no code name, it is the most original durian.
These durians come from trees that were originally grown from unknown seeds.
The exact history of these types of durians is unknown, but we do know that these durians are delicious and many people love their wonderful taste.Durian Kampung now available for Delivery now!

What’s The Taste Of Kampung Like?

Durian kampung can taste sweet or bitter sometime, would say it is unstable. In the same durian, the different segments of it can also result in a different taste.For instance, the seeds that were facing away from the sun might taste more bitter and more pungent than those that were facing towards the sun.

Overall, Durian Kampung has a unique taste which cannot be found in other durians.